Title 1

Oakleigh Elementary School is identified as a Title 1 school.  Title 1 is a federal grant that provides funding to specific schools, based upon their community eligibility programs (CEP) data. 

We are proud that the Office of Title I supports Oakleigh Elementary School. 

Important Information for Parents:

What is Title 1?

Home School Compact 2023-2024

Pacto Hogar Escuela 2023-2024

Family Engagement Plan 2023-2024 

Plan de participación familiar 2023-2024

School Progress Plan Snapshot 2023-2024

Instantánea de Oakleigh SPP 2023-2024

BCPS Policy 1270

Right to Know Letter-English

Right to Know Letter-Spanish

Right to Know Letter-Burmese

Right to Know Letter-Chinese

Right to Know Letter-Urdu